Train from Ambala to Shimla

Shimla is situated at a height of 2000 meters, a perfect destination for travelers but there is no direct train from Ambala to Shimla. While travelling from Ambala to Shimla through train one has to travel first to Kalka and from there to Shimla. The train from Ambala to Kalka is a broad gauge train but from Kalka to Shimla its narrow gauge and toy trains run over this track. Depending upon your budget and affordability you can choose ordinary or luxury trains. Do check about the days of service by different trains.

There are two railway stations in Ambala. Ambala Cantt railway Station and Ambala City Railway Station. Ambala Cantt is the major railway station and connected with Shimla.

Indian Railway website will provide complete information regarding the Ambala Shimla train schedules, timings and fares.

If you want to come to Kalka from Ambala by train there are not much options. Travel by bus or taxi is the best option. There is taxi stand at the Ambala railway station itself and one can reach Kalka in less than one hour. Toy trains to Shimla Start from Kalka.
Ambala Kalka Distance is 62 kilometers only and travel time is about 1:30 minutes.

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Ambala Kalka train timetable

Train No. Train Name Source Departure Destination Arrival
12011 Kalka shtbdi Ambala Cant 10:30:00 Kalka 11:45:00
14095 Himalayan queen Ambala Cant 09:50:00 Kalka 11:10:00
12005 Kalka shtbdi Ambala Cant 19:57:00 Kalka 21:20:00
22455 Snsi Kalka Superfast Express Ambala Cant 11:00:00 Kalka 12:30:00
12925 Paschim express Ambala Cant 14:55:00 Kalka 16:45:00
12311 Howrah Junction Delhi Kalka Mehsi Ambala Cant 02:20:00 Kalka 04:30:00
13008 U A Toofan Express Ambala City 03:31:00 Kalka 05:50:00
14888 Barmer Kalka Express Ambala City 03:31:00 Kalka 05:50:00

Kalka Ambala train timetable

Train No. Train Name Source Departure Destination Arrival
12012 Kalka shtbdi Kalka 17:45:00 Ambala Cant 19:03:00
12006 Kalka shtbdi Kalka 06:15:00 Ambala Cant 07:33:00
22456 Kalka Snsi Superfast Express Kalka 19:00:00 Ambala Cant 20:30:00
14096 Himalayan Queen Kalka 16:50:00 Ambala Cant 18:20:00
22926 Paschim express Kalka 10:20:00 Ambala Cant 12:05:00
12312 Kalka Mail Kalka 23:55:00 Ambala Cant 02:00:00
14887 Barmer Kalka Express Kalka 21:30:00 Ambala City 23:56:00

The Kalka Shimla toy train runs very slow but if you have time and want to experience the nature, this would be the best mode of transport to Shimla. This train takes around six hours from Kalka to reach Shimla. The best thing about this train is that having so much nature scenes, reasonable fare and it just stops at heart of city.

Kalka to Shimla train timings / timetable

Train Number Name From Departure To Arrival
52455 Himalayan Queen Kalka 12:10 Shimla 17:20
52457 KLK SML Pass Kalka 03:30 Shimla 08:55
52459 KLK SML Special Kalka 05:10 Shimla 09:50
52451 Shivalik Deluxe Kalka 05:45 Shimla 10:35
52453 KLK SML express Kalka 06:20 Shimla 11:35
52459 Him Darshan Express Kalka 07:00 Shimla 12:55

Unlike other long distance trains, these bookings open one month in advance only. While, in peak tourist season, summer and winter and holidays such as Dussehra and special occasions like Christmas Eve and New Year, large number of tourists are visiting Shimla, so hurry and book at earliest.


Qus:- When does the first train leave from Kalka to Ambala?

The first train from Kalka to Ambala is at 06:15 AM, which is Kalka Shatabdi (12006) followed by Paschim Express (22926) which leaves at 10:20 AM.

Qus:- When does the first train leave from Kalka to Shimla?

The first train from Kalka to Shimla is Kalka – Shimla Passenger, which originates from the Kalka railway station at 3:30 a.m. on all days of the week.

Qus:- What places does the toy train to Kalka cover?

The Toy Train to Kalka covers stops such as Dharampur, Barog, Solan, Kandaghat and more.

Qus:- Can we take heavy luggage in the toy train?

You can take the luggage as per Indian railways rules.

Qus:- What is Ambala to Shimla train ticket price?

The Kalka Shimla Ticket price varies from train to train and travel class chosen. Kindly visit ITCT website to check the latest train ticket prices

Qus:- What is Ambala to Shimla distance by train?

Ambala to Kalka broad gauge railway distance is  62 kilometers. From Kalka to Shimla toy train distance from Kalka to Shimla is 96 kilometers

Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.

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