Sangla weather in June
As compared to other parts of India, Sangla offers a weather which is unique to this hill station. The summer in Sangla is not scorching and burning. However, for people of Sangla cold are bearable but hot weather is irritable and irresistible. The temperate in Sangla in the June month hovers between 22 degrees to 32 degrees Celsius. As far as tourists are concerned from different hot areas they feel like heaven as they get respite from the extremely hot climate with temperatures soaring above 40 degrees in the northern plains.
Sangla has the peak tourist season in the June month and there is huge rush from Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana Rajasthan and Punjab areas. The summer vacations in the schools in this month also tempt the tourists to visit Sangla and get respite from hot summer heat. If planning to visit Sangla during June month, do book the hotels in advance as the town is crowded and over packed, accommodation may create a problem. Therefore hotels in Sangla and advance bookings, both things have to be considered before coming to Sangla in June month.
Being in the hills the Sangla weather is often unpredictable. Unexpected showers may bring the temperature considerable down so do carry light woollens because you never know when the weather changes and you feel like wearing woollens.
Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.
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