Kalka to Manali distance
Kalka to Manali distance by road is about 270 Kilometers. The terrain is mostly hilly and the travel time is in the excess of 8 to 10 hours. The only option available to travel to Manali from Kalka by road is by taxi as there are no bus services from Kalka to Manali.
Kalka to Manali by train
If you want to go to Manali by train from Kalka then you will be disappointed as there is no Kalka Manali train service. Kalka is the last broad gauge railway station on the Delhi Kalka rail link. Manali is not connected by train. The nearest and best possible railway station for Manali as per buses and taxi services availability is the Chandigarh Railway Station. Most tourists prefer to travel by taxi and all type of vehicles like Maruti Dzire, Etios, Tata Indica, Tavera, and Toyota Innova vehicles are easily available.
Kalka to Manali by bus
If you want to go to Manali by bus you will have to get down at Chandigarh railway station about 25 kilometers before Kalka railway station and take bus from Chandigarh bus stand for Manali. Both government and private ordinary and deluxe buses are available from Chandigarh to Manali.
Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.
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