Kalka Shimla Express
Kalka Shimla Express is a convenient train from Kalka to Shimla and vice versa. The train has many official stoppages between Kalka and Shimla like Barog, Solan, Shoghi and Taradevi.
The train number of Kalka Shimla Express is 52453 and of Shimla Kalka Express is 52454. The time from Kalka is 6.00 AM and reaches Shimla at 11.05 AM. The return journey by this train from Shimla to Kalka is 6.15 PM and reaches Kalka at 11.20 PM.
Kalka Shimla Express can be easily boarded by the passengers travelling from Howrah or Delhi by the Howrah Kalka Mail. The same way, the Shimla Kalka Express is a connecting train from Shimla for the Kalka Mail from Kalka to Delhi and Howrah.
There are First Class and 2 Seater Compartments in the Kalka Shimla Express. The fare per person for the First Class is Rs.280/- and for 2 Seater is Rs.55/-. More details will be given on IRCTC website and you ca also book the train from there.
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