Dharamshala Weather in March Month
Month of March in Dharamshala comes with temperature ranging in between 10 to 20 degree Celsius. City experiences occasional hails and thunderstorms destroying new flowering in young shoots. Sometimes very clear skies also lessen your burden of heavy woollens and guests can visit the popular sites nearby or far ones with fun unlimited.
Spring is time of rebirth, renewal and re-growth and giving an inspiring message to people. In spring the length of the daylight is increasing and this is the reason the warmth is causing new plants to grow. March month is the perfect time to wondering and excursions in multi colored streets of Dharamshala and that just wearing summer garments. Club houses have various picnic spots where visitors can come close to nature and get fresh air and salubrious weather. In March one can see a total drift climate from chilling snowy conditions to mercury rising and weather appearing much pleasant and congenial. Clear sky, long sunny days are bracing and encouraging.
March is a time when the winters are in their ending phase and spring is just going to start. But in Dharamshala the shivering days and nights are still there with fast pace freezing winds across the city. No doubt the season gets changed but still due to hilly region, diversified flowering is quite visible and presents a picturesque and magnificent view.
Content last updated in January 2023. Travel with confidence with Sunrsie Himachal Packages from Sunrise Holidays Shimla.
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