Chandigarh to Kalpa Distance

Chandigarh to Kalpa Distance

Chandigarh to Kalpa distance by road is about 340 Kilometers. The terrain is mostly hilly and the travel time is in the excess of 10 to 11 hours. The only option available to travel to Kalpa from Chandigarh by road is by taxi or by Bus.

Chandigarh to Kalpa by train

If you want to go to Kalpa by train from Chandigarh then you will be disappointed as there is no Chandigarh Kalpa train service. Shimla is the last broad gauge railway station on the Kalka Shimla rail link. Kalpa is not connected by train. The nearest and best possible railway station for Kalpa as per buses and taxi services availability is the Shimla Railway Station.

Chandigarh to Kalpa by bus

If you want to go to Kalpa by bus you will have to get down at Chandigarh railway station about 25 kilometers before Kalka railway station and take bus from Chandigarh bus stand for Kalpa. Government ordinary and deluxe buses are available from Chandigarh to Kalpa.

Chandigarh to Kalpa Deluxe Bus

Chandigarh to Kalpa Deluxe Bus

Travelling to a hill station and that too in an environment friendly vehicle is a nice thought. We are talking about deluxe buses; they emit less carbon as compared to others. This public transport does not make much noise and have all the facilities available for en route travelers. So travelling through a deluxe bus from Chandigarh to Kalpa is worth the bucks.

There is no Volvo bus services origination from Chandigarh to Kalpa. Volvo buses run between Shimla and New Delhi and vice versa. Most of these bus services are operated by HRTC ( Himachal Road Transport Corporation) and HPTDC ( Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation). Online booking of deluxe can also be done at their online portals respectively. If you are coming in large number, you can hire deluxe buses from Chandigarh.

Deluxe buses are limited but you can also get ordinary buses from Chandigarh Bus Stand. Chandigarh to Kalpa distance is 340 km and time taken is 10 hrs by bus. The main towns in between are Pinjore, Parwanoo, kalka, Solan, Shimla, Narkanda and Rampur. The whole route is over National Highway 5 with various food joints.

The Chandigarh Kalpa bus schedule is as follows:

S. No. Source Destination Bus Type Departure Arrival Fare
1 Chandigarh Kalpa Deluxe 5.50 PM 7.00 800
2 Chandigarh Kalpa Ordinary 6.00PM 8.00 650
3 Chandigarh Kalpa Ordinary 7.00 PM 9.00 650

You can book tickets online at

Himachal Tourism Bus Service from Shimla to Kalpa

Himachal Tourism Bus Service from Shimla to Kalpa

For travelling to Himachal Pradesh most tourists come to Shimla from many parts of India by train and by air as it has good connectivity with rest of India.

If you like to travel to Kalpa from Shimla there are limited buses available from Shimla. There are a number of government and private buses available.

There are many bus services from Shimla run by Himachal Tourism / Himachal Roadways / Private Operator. They are ordinary and Him Gaurav (Tata A/C) coaches run by Himachal Roadways from Shimla to Kalpa and vice versa. It takes about 6-7 hours to reach Kalpa from Shimla.

The timings and the fare of the buses run by the Himachal Roadways from Shimla to Kalpa

S. No. Source Destination Bus Type Departure Arrival Fare
1 Shimla ISBT Kalpa Ordinary 6.30PM 3.30 450
2 Chandigarh Kalpa Ordinary 11.30 PM 9.00 450

The availability and the bookings of the tickets can be checked and done through the website .

Delhi Kalpa Ordinary Bus Service

Delhi Kalpa Ordinary Bus Service

Being an import tourist destination there are ordinary bus service available between New Delhi and Kalpa operated by Government undertakings.

Delhi to Kalpa bus travel time

Delhi to Kalpa distance by road is 565 kilometers and travel time by bus is 16 hours

Delhi Kalpa bus route

Delhi to Kalpa bus route is via Chandigarh. From Delhi the bus passes through Panipat, Kurukshetra, Ambala, Chandigarh, Kalka, Solan, Shimla, narkanda, Rampur and finally reaches Kalpa.

Delhi Kalpa Ordinary  bus fare

The ordinary bus fare varies from Rs 900 to 1000 Rs. The fare charges by private operators depends upon the amount of rush whereas the bus fare of government buses is fixed. There is no Volvo buses from Delhi to Kalpa direct.

Delhi Kalpa bus timetable

The following is the bus timetable of buses operated by Himachal Tourism and Himachal Roadways

S. No. Source Destination Bus Type Departure Arrival Fare
1 Delhi ISBT Kalpa Ordinary 8.20 PM 3.00 Am 850-1000

Delhi to Kalpa ordinary buses are available at 8:20 PM, and bus fare is Rs 1000. These Buses originate from ISBT Kashmiri Gate.

Delhi Kalpa bus booking online

Now HRTC and HPTDC bus booking can be done online also. HRTC web-portal is whereas HPTDC web-portal is

Delhi Kalpa ordinary bus inquiry numbers

HPTDC ORDINARY bus inquiry numbers:

New Delhi: 011-23717473, 011-23325320; Shimla: 0177-2800073, 0177-2652561

HRTC inquiry numbers:

ISBT Tutikandi Shimla: 0177-2658765, ISBT Chandigarh: 0172-2668943 and ISBT Kashmiri Gate Delhi: 011-23868694

Himachal Tourism Bus Service from Chandigarh to Kalpa

Himachal Tourism Bus Service from Chandigarh to Kalpa

For travelling to Himachal Pradesh most tourists come to Chandigarh from many parts of India by train and by air as it has good connectivity with rest of India.

If you like to travel to Kalpa from Chandigarh there are limited buses available from Chandigarh. The preferred way is to take the bus from Chandigarh as there are a number of government buses available.

There are only four bus services from Chandigarh run by Himachal Tourism / Himachal Roadways. They are ordinary and Him Gaurav (Tata A/C) coaches run by Himachal Roadways from Chandigarh to Kalpa and vice versa.. It takes about 9-10 hours to reach Kalpa from Chandigarh.

The timings and the fare of the buses run by the Himachal Roadways from Chandigarh to Kalpa.

S. No. Source Destination Bus Type Departure Arrival Fare
1 Chandigarh Kalpa Deluxe 5.50 PM 7.00 800
2 Chandigarh Kalpa Ordinary 6.00PM 8.00 650
3 Chandigarh Kalpa Ordinary 7.00 PM 9.00 650

The availability and the bookings of the tickets can be checked and done through the website